
Welcome to our ever-growing library of free downloadable resources on Islam.

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The Holy Qur'an

Starting in the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Beneficient, we begin our humble presentation of downloadable ebooks with resources and renditions of His Beautiful word and message – the Holy Noble Qur’an.

Translations of the Qur'an in Multiple Languages

An intractive PDF giving live online links to the Holy Qur'an in 49 different distinctive languages, inclusive of the original Arabic - all available for download with full permission to distribute (not for resale).

An Explanation of the Last Tenth of the Noble Qur'an

A summarized book that contains the most important matters that a Muslim needs in his life,

What Everyone Should Know About the Qur'an

The Qur'an is the last divine message related to mankind, and is the basis of the religion of Islam. This book is a comprehensive overview of what everyone should know and understand about it.

This Is Islam

According to global statistics, Islam is the most widespread and fastest growing religion. This book (the English of a series of multiple translations) highlights a clear picture of the most controversial religion presented in the world's mass media.

Dictionary of Religious Terms

A comprehensive reference of Islamic and religious terms, presented in dual mode: English to Arabic and Arabic to English.

Diccionario De Terminos Religiosos

Dictionary of Religious Terms - Spanish

Dictionnaire de Termes Religieux

Dictionary of Religious Terms - French

А Ви розкрили його справжню красу

In Ukranian - learn about the truth about Prophet Mohmammed, pbuh and dispel any misconceptions.

Fallacies & Misconceptions About The Messenger's Marriages (pbuh)

The book enables you to analysis & realize the true facts behind the Prophet's plural marriages.

Mercy for the World

He (pbuh) is a mercy to the world, to all people, and all human beings of different colors, languages, attitudes, ideas, beliefs and locations. Not only is he (pbuh) a mercy to humans, but his mercy even goes as far as to reach animals and inanimate objects too.

Muhammad's Sayings and Teachings.jpeg

Muhammad's sayings and teachings are very influential as they covered most aspects of life. They emanated from a base of wisdom and Divine revelation.

Prophet Muhammad's Guidance for the Prevention of and Protection from Diseases and Epidemics

This guidance ensures happiness and tranquility, as well as protection from and prevention of worries, evils, epidemics, and pandemics like COVID-19!

Raconter La Plus Merveilleuse Des Biographies- La vie du Prophète Mohamed (psl)

Une “nouvelle” vie du prophète Muhammad selon une source authentique accessible uniquement en langue arabe

The Biography of the Prophet through Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer form is the most effective and an objective method of teaching. For those who want to acquire the basic information of Islam, this series of question and Answer about the various aspects of Islam will prove helpful.

The Final Messenger

He was labeled "the seal of the prophets". A comprehensive look at his life and the impact he had on the world. It presents some examples of his Prophetic sayings, references to him in the Bible and other scriptures, and excerpts of what some well-known figures and historians said about him.

The Prophet's Companions

The Companions of the Prophet were the disciples and followers of Muhammad who saw or met him during his lifetime, while being a Muslim and were physically in his presence.

Η Αλήθεια Σχετικά με το Προπατορικό Αμάρτημα

GREEK - "Original Sin" - Το βιβλίο αυτό εξετάζει το Δόγμα του Προπατορικού Αμαρτήματος στο Χριστιανισμό.

A Universalidade Do Islam

O Islam apresenta uma visão da diversidade humana diferente da de outras doutrinas e desconhecida para muitos povos do mundo.

Ahkam Ramadan

A comprehensive and interactive PDF with live links to view and download rules and laws governing Islamic fasting - in 42 world languages. Simply click the flag to view and download the desired language.

Appels miséricordieux à l'humanité

Il est traduit en onze langues et il comprend tout ce qui se rattache au Messager de la miséricorde BPSL, ... Appels miséricordieux à l'humanité.

Controversial Questions About Islam & Comments

A Book in English answers the most frequently asked questions about Islamic teachings regarding the following points: Islamic sources, beliefs, rituals, laws, and moral values.

Démystifier l’islam

Votre guide pour la religion la plus mal comprise du 21 è me siècle.

Demystifying Islam

Brimming with references and up-to-date statistics, Demystifying Islam allows the reader to quickly and intelligently become familiar with the precepts upon which Islam stands and to decide for themselves whether what is presented nightly is representative or biased.

Derechos de la Mujer Une Perspective Historica

Los derechos de la mujer hacen referencia a la distinción de los derechos que se reconocen a las mujeres y niñas en diferentes sociedades del planeta.

Desmistificando o Islam

de Muçulmanos que vivem no Ocidente onde o Islam, atualmente, ... duas Escrituras Sagradas do Islam: o Alcorão Sagrado e os Hadiths.

Desmitificando el Islam

a menudo se puede intercambiar con la palabra hadiz; se refiere a la tradición del profeta. Muhammad y a sus enseñanzas

Discover Islam

An interactive PDF packed with links to over 40 informative and powerful books and other resources such as videos all centered on the truth and beauty of Islam. One of the best Islamic resources available.

Dr. Jeremiah's Spiritual Journey

A brief story in English of Dr. Jeremiah’s Spiritual Journey to know about Islam.

Hajj and Umrah Guide

A simple and easy to understand guide for Hajj & Umrah. A book in English for those who want to perform pilgrimage and umrah, and visit the Mosque of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Illimitable Determination

An impressive collection of inspirational stories of new Muslims and their circumstances and powerful journeys.

Islam's Revival Of Jesus' Teachings

Islam, being the final message, revived the basic beliefs and practices of all the preceding messages, including the message of Jesus.

It Feels Like Somebody lied to Me

The revelation of a Christian who found relevance and truth in Islam.

Kontroverzna Pitanja o Islamu I Komentari

Sva zahvala pripada Allahu, Gospodaru svih svjetova. Neka je salavat i selam na Muhammeda, koji je pečat svih poslanika, kao i na sve ostale poslanike i.

L’Universalité de I’Islam

Je suis extrêmement reconnaissant à Allah, l'Omnipotent, de m'avoir accordé l'opportunité de réviser en profondeur et.

La universalidad del Islam

Lo que se quiere decir aquí por “la universalidad del Islam” es el hecho de que el Islam es para todas las épocas y lugares.

Le Droit Des Femmes Une Perspective Historique

Je dédie cette deuxième édition de mon livre (en langue anglaise), Le droit des femmes : Une perspective historique, à l’homme qui a réalisé la publication de la première édition de ce livre.

Merciful Calls To Humanity

The Merciful Calls contained in this book have been compiled based on such inviolable truths about Allah’s Mercy, without which nothing exists.

Perguntas Controversas Sobre o Islam com Comentarios

Enquanto os xiitas seguem à risca as antigas interpretações e tradições somente do Alcorão e da Sharia (que corresponde ao direito islâmico), os sunitas também baseiam a crença na Suna, livro que relata os feitos do profeta Mahommed.

Questions Controversees sur l'Islam Et Commentaires

Questions controversées sur l'Islam et CommentairesPar Dr. Saeed Ismaeel Sieny.

Todo Lo Que Siempre Quiso Preguntar Sobre El Islam

Aunque sus raíces se remontan más atrás, los estudiosos suelen fechar la creación del Islam en el siglo VII, lo que la convierte en la más joven de las principales religiones monoteístas del mundo.

True Happiness

In essence, true happiness is the result of a number of factors and cannot be achieved except when one accepts a faith that balances between the material and spiritual aspects of life.

Une Determination Sans Limites

Une Determination Sans Limites - French

Who Deserves to be Worshipped

Proofs that Only Allah Deserves to be Worshipped. Here is an obvious fact: Allah is the sole Creator and. Sustainer of everything.

Why I Ask People To Become Muslims

Author, Yahya George Maxwell, expands briefly on why he asks and invites people to. become Muslim.

Why Islam

A concise and comprehensive explanation full with historical proofs and references to the validity and powerful truth of Islam.

Islamic Position Towards Homosexuality & Lesbianism

The author brings forth traditional and reliable references on the Islamic view and ruling on homosexuality.

Marriage in Islam

Islam has not legalized discharging sexual desire except through marriage. This booklet explores all aspects of marriage in Islam.

Muslim and Non-Muslim Relation

There is no doubt that no one desires to keep a relationship with those who are unjust and disloyal towards them. Furthermore, an examination of the Prophet's life reveals that the Prophet did not prohibit relations with non-Muslim communities as long as they honoured their agreements and were not at war with Islam.


In attempt to strike a balance in life lessons, the author has presented Islamic proofs on the best way to achieve status as an ideal muslim husband.


A comprehensive yet concise booklet for Muslimahs seeking to be the best wife they can be.

Veils of Dignity

A scholarly expose of women's rights in Islam as concerns any position or status they may be at any given moment. An easy read for anyone and enlightening for muslims and non-muslims alike.

Women's Rights A Historical Perspective

Dr. Abdullah AlKahtany presents Islamic principles of equality, tolerance, solutions to problems facing humanity and position of women.

Kids Ramadan Journal

The journal allows your child to be able to monitor their progress throughout the holy month of Rmadan.

Children's Faith Questions

This book is directed to Muslim parents devoted in teaching faith to their children in the times of globalization and unlimited access - through technology - to all that is confusing and/or contradictory to the Islamic faith.

كيف نشرك غير المسلمين في نعمة الإسلام

كيف نشرك غير المسلمين في نعمة الإسلام؟: لقد زوَّد الله – سبحانه وتعالى – أنبياءَه ورُسُلَه عن طريق الوحيِ أو الإلهام ببعض الأساليب والقواعد التي تزيد من فعاليَّة جهودهم.

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