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We humbly suggest that you browse this page to familiarize yourself with our growing library selection. Under each section of books is a button linked to the order form where you can complete your information and selectons. We will “God willing” ship them to you for FREE.

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We sincerely hope that readers will find the thoughts and discussions in these books useful in their personal quest for God, because ultimately, there is nothing more important in this world than to find God and to live according to His Will. For those who do not care to begin this quest and live by His divine truth, we can only offer a humble prayer that God help them find their way back to Him before their time in this world runs out. (Quote from: Dr. B. Philips)

The Qur'an Translated: Message for Humanity

Between the two covers of this Book you will find the answers to those questions which touch the very heart of your being: why am I here? Where am I heading? How may I achieve happiness? How can I find inner peace?

Available in  English, French, and Spanish.  

Dictionary of Religious Terms

This 360 – page pocket size English-Arabic/Arabic-English Dictionary is a pioneering work in the field. It does not merely offer the meaning of religious word or phrase but explains them to give the reader and researcher a complete idea and removes any misconceptions. This Dictionary is comprehensive as it includes terms related to the Qur’an, Hadith, Islamic faith and Islamic Jurisprudence. It is indispensable for researchers, preachers of Islam and translators.

Available in the following languages: English-to-Arabic, Arabic-to-English, Spanish and French. 

Have You Discovered Its Real Beauty?

Perhaps you have preconceived, negative notions about Islam and its Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Perhaps you have read or heard about it from unauthentic or biased sources. So, we invite you to objectively and open-mindedly read this booklet which demonstrates the truth about Islam and the Prophet.


Translations: English (original), German, Spanish, Bosnian, Dutch, Slovak and Tagalog. 

This is Islam


  • Isn’t it worth pausing and thinking for a moment to learn about a religion, which is, according to global statistics, one of the most widespread and fast-growing religions?
  • Won’t you give yourself the opportunity to look into well-documented information about the religion of Islam from its sources and they try to assess it, using your own reasoning and thinking?
  • If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then this book was written for you.

Available in the following languages: English (original), plus translations: Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish, and Ukrainian. 

A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam

One of the best written books about Islam in English. 

Are you a non-Muslim, and interested in learning what the religion of Islam, Muslims and their book, the Quran, is all about? Are you confused by all the rhetoric abound about Muslims or Islam? Or perhaps you are merely searching for something you haven’t yet been able to pinpoint? 

Edited by and reviewed by multiple professors and well-educated people of high repute, this book is a brief and easy read, yet full packed with scientific knowledge that all points to the truth of the message of Islam. 

Now available in (16) language translations in addition to the original English publication – Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Tamil, Dutch, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and Tagalog. 

Merciful Calls To Humanity

A collection of highlighted verses from the Quran, (Calls of Mercy) with interpretation and guidance to serve as a roadmap to better understanding of the Quran and its universal message to mankind. These selected verses are direct and powerful calls to humanity to realize the truth of the message and bring the searcher of truth closer to the truth.

Available in the original English, as well as translation to French. 

The Universality of Islam

There is a dire need among the majority of the world’s population for a way of life that can solve their problems and answer their unanswered questions about existence and destiny. With escalating rates of immorality and violence in the world, increasing numbers of people have been searching for a way out. Many have found suicide to be the easiest and probably fastest solution. No wonder our world is wading in a state of chaos. It has tried so many ideologies and applied countless socioeconomic theories, but none have proven to be quite right. That which has been tried has failed, and that which has failed has been tried again . . . and again. Surely the time has come to ask questions if there is another way, an alternative system that could be adopted by the whole world. Prof. Abdullah Al-Kahtany, proves in this contemporary book that Islamic principles and teachings can provide realistic, fair and objective solutions to the prevention of individual, familial, social and international problems, which are threatening the existence of human communities throughout the world.

Available in the original English, as well as translation to Portuguese. 

The Biography Of The Prophet Through Questions & Answers

A Must-Read Book for Non-Muslims & Muslims, narrating – in the form of Questions & Answers – the adorable Biography of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Available in the original English, as well as translation to French. 

Bearing True Witness

Dr. Laurence B. Brown, a practicing ophthalmologist and author of several ground-breaking books on Islam such as MisGoded & Goded and, has written this book to assist new reverts in navigating controversial issues of their new, chosen religion of Islam. Reverts to the Islamic religion progress through several stages of ideological, spiritual, and psychological growth before achieving a semblance of religious maturity. The period of maturation varies from one individual to another. They frequently embark upon widely divergent ideological paths on the grayscale that spans the gap between the clear purity of correctness and the murky darkness of deviation.

Available in the original English, as well as translations to German, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Tagalog.  

My Great Love for Jesus (pbuh) led me to Islam

A fascinating book by a former Priest, presenting facts about the beloved Prophet Jesus (pbuh) that eventually lead him to Islam.

Available in the original English and translations to French, Spanish and Tagalog.

Controversial Questions about Islam & Comments

This important book presents a broad perspective of Islam. It also tries to answer the most frequently asked questions about Islamic teachings with the aim of introducing the reality of Muslims’ religion to facilitate building a better relationship between Non Muslims and Muslims, especially when both groups are citizens of the same nation. The author, a well-known scholar, admires everyone who does not cause harm to others and works to acquire comprehensive happiness.

Available in the original English and translations to French, Tagalog and Arabic.

Demystifying Islam: Your Guide to the Most Misunderstood Religion of the 21st Century

When looking for a book on Islam, one finds many. But when looking for answers & explanations related to misconceptions about Islam, one finds a precious few. This book is one of those few. It is a must read book for Muslims & non-Muslims alike.

Available in the original English and translations to Portuguese, Spanish and French.

MisGod'ed: A Roadmap of Guidance and Misguidance in the Abrahamic Religions

These two books: MisGod’ed and God’ed were once in a single book. The author opted to separate the two sections into separate books with the relative titles of MisGod’ed and God’ed, accordingly.

MisGod’ed is a Roadmap of Guidance and Misguidance Within the Abrahamic Religions.

Available in the original English and translations to Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Tagalog, Polish and Romanian.

God'ed?: The Case for Islam as the Completion of Revelation

These two books: MisGod’ed and God’ed were once in a single book. The author opted to separate the two sections into separate books with the relative titles of MisGod’ed and God’ed, accordingly.

God’ed presents and clarifies the Case for Islam as the Completion of Revelation.

Available in the original English and translations to Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Tagalog, and Polish.

The Best Way to Live and Die

Biography of an American Truth-seeker who found his quest.

Available in the original English and translated to French.

Women's Rights - A Historical Perspective

Written by a prominent Muslim scholar, this book reveals the hypocrisy of many women’s rights organizations towards their real issue. It also provides a comprehensive research between women’s rights in Islam and the doctrine and practices of some prominent religions.

Available in translations: French, Portuguese and Spanish. 

The Truth About the Original Sin

The book discusses objectively the concept of the Original Sin in Christianity.

Available in (original) English and translated into Tagalog. 

Miscellaneous other books - English language

A miscellanous collection of valuable and informative works – from essential fundamentals about Islam, to comparative religious elements, to family and social issues and more. 

All of the books in this section are in English language. 

Miscellaneous other books - European languages

A miscellanous collection of valuable and informative works – from essential fundamentals about Islam, to comparative religious elements, to family and social issues and more. 

Languages included in this section: German, Spanish, Turkish, Romanian, Czech, Greek, Ukrainian, Serbian and Croatian.

Miscellaneous other books - far Eastern & African languages

A miscellanous collection of valuable and informative works – from essential fundamentals about Islam, to comparative religious elements, to family and social issues and more. 

Languages included in this section: Tigrinya, Amharic, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese and Tajik

Miscellaneous other books - Arabic

A miscellanous collection of valuable and informative works – from essential fundamentals about Islam, to comparative religious elements, to family and social issues and more. 

All of the books in this section are in Arabic language.